Local PPPs

The implementation of local PPP (PPCP) projects has been identified as one of the priorities of the PPP Unit supplementing the priority to decentralized local councils through training workshops supported by the UNDP in the different regions. The local PPP Strategy is generally defined in the following key planned elements:

Robust Pipeline of Local PPP Projects

To develop a pipeline of projects containing local PPP Projects at various stages of development, with certain projects supported by the UNDP.

Expanding the Priority Sectors

To facilitate the development of local PPP projects in diverse priority sectors that supplement the infrastructure development plans of Clients, including: Water Supply and Sanitation Facilities, Solid Waste Management Facilities, Vertical Infrastructure, Transport Terminals, Health Infrastructures, Tourism Facilities, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Food Security, Renewable Energy and Information and Communication Technology Facilities.

Further Development of the Database.

To further expand the database of awarded PPP projects for implementation and monitoring.

Facilitating the Movements of Projects in the Pipeline

To continuously enable the advancement of the projects in the PPP pipeline through the various stages of development and at the same time continuing the efforts on conceptualization of new projects.

Successful showcase of Projects for Replication

To have successful showcase projects which maybe replicated by Clients and to prepare case studies/detailed review for local PPP projects.

Development of an Updated and Comprehensive Capacity-building PPP Curriculum.

To create a consolidated training module for PPPs tailored for clients complimenting  the updated and comprehensive training module.

Development of PPP Network

To consolidate the various platforms for PPP programs that are available to Clients into a comprehensive network of parties from both the public and private sectors including international partners and platforms, which includes accessible tools for project development, options for financing and finance enhancements, and support systems for implementation and monitoring.

Nationwide of the Ope-rationalization of the PPP Information Management System

To successfully rollout the PIMS across the regions with parallel end-user training programs for system use and reporting.